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Amber Heard Sues New York Insurance Company for Breach of Contract

By now, almost everyone knows the story behind Amber Heard and Johnny Depp’s legal battles. That story has come to an end, and the conclusion was not a positive one for Heard. She was ordered to pay Depp $10 million after the court determined that she had defamed her ex-husband. The actress immediately claimed she could not afford to make this payment. Recently, it was reported that she is back in court, suing a New York insurance company for refusing to cover Depp’s settlement.

Amber Heard Was Insured Against Defamation Claims

According to Heard, she is at least partly insured against defamation claims. This is thanks to a $1-million liability policy with New York Marine and General Insurance Co. There is just one problem: The insurance company is refusing to cover her. According to this company, Amber Heard committed “willful misconduct” when she defamed Johnny Depp – which means that the contract is null and void.

In other words, they are attempting to turn their backs on her. It should be noted that this $1-million policy will not cover the full extent of Johnny’s settlement. But Heard is reportedly struggling financially, and every dollar counts when you are trying to scrounge up funds. Soon after the verdict, she sold her home in Yucca Valley for over $1 million.

Amber Heard Says the Insurance Company Promised to Cover Her “No Matter What”

Faced with this lack of coverage, Amber Heard has sued the insurance company for breach of contract, claiming that they specifically told her that they would cover in virtually any situation. Not only that, but the insurance company is apparently refusing to pay her legal fees. Heard’s lawsuit states:

“While New York Marine promised to do so, it did not provide the full and capable defense to which Ms. Heard was entitled, it failed to pay the attorneys’ fees and costs that it was obligated to pay for Ms. Heard’s defense, and it acted in other ways that prejudiced Ms. Heard and her defense.”

The lawsuit even goes one step further, claiming that the insurance company might have intentionally sabotaged Heard’s defamation trial. The logic here is that since the insurance company could potentially escape its obligations if Heard’s actions were determined to be intentional, the company had a vested interest in allowing her to fail in court. Heard suggests that this represents a conflict of interest and that the company might have wanted her trial to fail.

Where Can I Find a Qualified Breach of Contract Attorney?

If you need to take legal action due to a breach of contract in New York, look no further than The Glassman Law Group. With our assistance, you can push back against negligent parties that failed or refused to uphold the conditions of your contract. A contract is a legally-binding document, and individuals must face the consequences for dismissing them. Our society depends heavily on contract law, and without things would not function properly. Book your consultation to get started today.


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