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Are New York Landlords Liable for Injuries in Apartment Buildings?

According to the New York Post, the COVID-19 pandemic has put landlords in a very difficult situation. As of early 2021, renters owed a cumulative sum of well over $1 billion to New York landlords, prompting many experts to claim that the entire city was heading for a “disaster.” That being said, many renters are facing their own personal “disasters” when they become injured while on the premises of their apartment building.

Make no mistake, landlords are responsible for the safety and well-being of their tenants, whether they are paying their rent or not. If you slip and fall on the icy, snowy, or slippery steps of your apartment building, you may be wondering whether your landlord is liable for your injuries. While each situation differs based on the unique factors involved, there is a strong chance that your landlord will be held accountable for their negligence. If they cannot maintain the safety of staircases, pathways, and other walking areas, they should face the consequences.

The best way to approach this situation is to enlist the help of an experienced slip and fall injury attorney in New York. These professionals are extremely familiar with the various aspects of a slip and fall injury claim, and they are well-versed in the details of property owner negligence. With a legal expert by your side, you can receive considerable compensation for your injuries.

Your Landlord’s Responsibilities

Your landlord has a legal responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of you and the other tenants in your apartment building. This means that as soon as landlords become aware of a potential hazard, they must address it immediately in a reasonable manner. If there is a hazardous walking area on the property, they have a few options. Your landlord can either address the root cause of the hazard (whether it is snow, ice, or a spill), or they can post a sign that clearly communicates the danger to tenants. If they fail to do either of these things, they will likely become liable for injuries suffered as a result.

Proving Liability

In order to prove that your landlord was liable for your injuries, you must show that they knew about the hazard but did nothing to address it. You may also show that your landlord should have known about the hazard, but this only works if the risk was “obvious.” Finally, you must show that your landlord’s negligence led directly to your injury. Ultimately, proving liability can be difficult in this type of scenario. On the other hand, a skilled attorney can use a range of different strategies to help you gain compensation. In most cases, your landlord will be insured for these types of injuries, and your settlement will come from their insurance policy.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Personal Injury Lawyer in New York

If you are ready to take legal action and receive adequate, fair compensation for your injuries, you need to reach out to a qualified personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Choose The Glassman Law Group, and you can approach your personal injury claim with confidence. We will help you hold your landlord accountable for the injuries their negligence has caused.


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